Set up new motherboard CPU and turn on with blank screen no beep sound error?

Set up new motherboard CPU and turn on with blank screen no beep sound error? The solution to this problem probably easier than one might thought. Well especially for me. It was the CPU power connector, I didn’t plug it in all the way. That was the solution.

So if you install or upgrade a new CPU mainboard motherboard, after you connect everything and turn it on, you hear no post beeps, no error, blank on screen in fact screen or monitor receive no signal totally blank, most likely the CPU power connector didn’t get connected properly, securely in place, or no power going into the CPU at all. So check that, this might be the fix to your problem, good luck 🙂 if it doesn’t work, then either your CPU mobo not compatible to each other, or the motherboard died or broken pin on the mother board socket. The CPU don’t died that easily, it’s pretty durable as long as you don’t drop it or blast it with electrostatic then should be fine.