My calculation on Bitcoin mining result if I start now

produce Bitcoin BTC from GPU and trade BTC for cash but ASIC will be out soon and will kill GPU rig

produce Bitcoin BTC from GPU and trade BTC for cash but ASIC will be out soon and will kill GPU rig

So my quest for Bitcoin mining continue. Here are my calculation if I start today, return of investments and so on.

If I were to start today right now. Using calculator from

I will be making $6.44 per day, about $200 a month.

Difficulty Factor
Hash Rate (mega-hashes / second)
Exchange Rate ($/฿)
Coins Dollars
per Day ฿0.14 $6.44
per Week ฿0.97 $45.06
per Month ฿4.20 $195.67

This is based on two Radeo HD 7970 GPU video cards and look like I will be using 700 watts of electricity and it will cost me $0.07 per killowatts. So base on this calculator on calculating electricity cost:

It will cost me about $1.34 a day to run. So total about $70 a month of electricity, so I profit probably $100 a month, it will take me 7 months or so to get return of investments. So by that time I think I would get the ASIC 30 GH/s.

Electricity Cost Calculator

Entered Values Calculated Values
Energy Rate Appliance Name Power Rating Usage Time Energy Consumption Energy Cost
cents/kw-hr watts hr min kw-hr $
7 700 24 0 16.80000 1.18
Total Energy Consumption Total Energy Cost
16.80000 1.18

There are also website that talks about level of difficulty estimate in 90 days to a year just to give you an idea. So if the level of difficulty rise and I got the 30 GH/s system. I would estimate I would be making $60 a day predicting level of difficulty rised from 4mil to 10mil, hope it not go to 100mil then I would be back to $7 a day profit which sucks, better than nothing I guess, but if the BTC rate fall I would be in deeper trouble, but if it rise I would be in good shape :), so it’s based on those factors