Testing cointellect.com with AMD 7850 Gigabyte Graphic Card GPU

I’ve came across a few forums and blog indicate good yield on dogecoin with GPU card, not all video card will work, but some will, and people reporting making more money than mining the traditional way. So I thought I give it a try.

I just installed a 7850 Gigabyte Graphic Video card on an AMD computer. Fresh install of WIN7 64 bit, latest AMD Catalyst video card driver. Rebooted the computer. Created an account with cointellect and downloaded the coin miner software and up and running. Currently reading at 30kh/s very interesting. This GPU 7850 Gigabyte I can get 400kh/s mining scrypt dogecoin pool, but why cointellect only 30khs? Yeah sure trouble shoot, same thing.

So it’s mining with cointellect software coin miner at 30kh/s, let see if I can make some money to cover electricity cost on this video gpu card. using 300 watts total look like it. The cost to keep this machine up is $1  a day, so if I make $2 a day then I’m good, even $1.50 is still good, if not then don’t waste your time on mining cointellect, it isn’t worth it due to electricity cost.