Battleship 2012 Blu-ray movie awesome action very good movie

Just finished watching Battleship 2012 Bluray movie on my home theater system. Awesome action, heart pounding, special realistic effect. “A fleet of ships is forced to do battle with an armada of unknown origins in order to discover and thwart their destructive goals.” What’s interesting is this movie tied to the latest planet found earth like planet Gliese, this planet appears to support life based on facts found by scientist all consistent. So we send signal to that planet and that planet responded with a fleets of spaceship invading our planet, look like those Aliens are also interested in space exploring and want to explore our planet and probably sends Aliens from that planet to stay in our planet Earth, what doesn’t make sense is that the Aliens appears to be more technologically advance than us, if so how come they didn’t find planet first and start to communicate with us first? well it could be because they’re not as nosy or as curious as us, or could be the signal we sent trying to communicate with them was misunderstood and they took it as a threat so they invaded our planet, well they could have respond back with other source of communication, oh well. Anyhow, high recommend movie for all ages, no bad word foul language cursing 🙂 although they did tried to say by saying what the F* 🙂

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Battleship 2012 movie watch live stream hulu youtube videos free download mediafire lol no please support them go rent one $1 from redbox everywhere now a day

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