Very bad news for Bitcoin and it took a hit Mtgox having more problems

A couple of days ago, Apple Apps took its last Bitcoin related apps offline or not available for use. Yesterday Mtgox pause it’s trading. These two bad news hit Bitcoin value hard, and it’s been down hill since. Bitcoin dropped from $800 to $600s and continue to go down.

I personally expected this kind of stuff happenings, if not the government shutting the exchange down. Sure people can say that, one down, more will pops up. Sure people can say that it will be back up again in the $2k by end of 2014. However for what ever Bitcoin I have I cash it, just to be safe, others takes risk waiting for it to hit $10K per BTC, but for me I rather sold what I have 🙂

Mtgox frozen trading withdrawal as more problems with Bitcoin arise

Mtgox frozen trading withdrawal as more problems with Bitcoin arise