Be careful people! all you buyers of ebay out there, don’t just read the ebay title, quantity and price.
One example, a seller I encountered problem for a few days. The seller posted quantity of 6 CPU for sale, at $19 each, New. If you don’t read the detail description, you will see that the seller is selling a pair or 2, so you must buy two or else the seller will cancel your order, although it’s against ebay policy, misleading post. The post also indicated that if you want to buy a single unit, you must contact the seller, so I did contact the seller, and went through the process and in the end seller asked me to buy it outside of ebay, which is via paypal invoice outside of ebay, so if your item is defective or broken you can’t give seller bad feedback or review or cannot easily get a refund or complaint because you did the transaction outside of ebay. By the way after few days, the seller back out and cancelled my shipment and gave me a refund saying he raised the price and must buy on ebay with $35 vs. $19, total disappointment.
So watch out! Read the title, read the quantity, read the condition of the item and read the description detail of the item, and if it’s too long and confusing, skip that seller and go on to the next seller. But, if you have to deal with the seller then go ahead waste some time communicating in ebay message.