Digitial Generation new blog entries

The Near Future
By Pedro on Thu, 08/01/2013 – 15:46

Overall, I think I like this blog entry, but probably on the last part “Economic justification – how much can you make” It does make a lot of sense. I believe Digital Generation had taken the first step in being transparent correctly. Based on the last part of the blog, I believe that it’s something doable, feasible with small risk, why? because let say you spent $1 million on a super computer to do whatever that you need doing such as folding@home bitcoin – you would need employees, when you have employees you would need management and as you can see it turn into a full company where eventually you would need the whole nine yards of people running a company from HR to medical insurance paying electric bill facilities rental and so on.

You know what? I’ve put some negative blog about Digital Generation, but it appears that what they’re now could change my point of view, despite the facts that they haven’t been answering tickets and haven’t paying anyone, some even have thousand of dollars they cannot withdraw and all they appears to be doing with the money is taken your money buy threads, but you cannot request payout. OK so let’s put that aside for a moment and back to the positive blog. As I said again, I like the latest blog especially the last couple paragraphs, whoever wrote it I give him or her credit. It makes a lot of sense to me. Although too many other people whom just want to make money would have no idea what this all about, and some even said it’s BS. Honestly I don’t have a high degree in education, and if a person like can understand it I don’t see why others couldn’t, yeah I get it, it’s a scam, and I’m being paid by Digital Generation to change my point of view. Yeh uh huh! sure, go suck your thumb!.

Hey! anyhow, if I’m getting to read good blog entries like this from I think I will spend $5000 to buy 100 threads 🙂 I wonder what those people in the chat room say? oh wait I don’t need to check. Already know, “where’s my money?” “activate free threads” “answer my tickets” “SCAM” “soon? how soon to get pay? tomorrow? next year 2015?” yeah you betcha! that’s all they care in the chat room is getting paid, when they don’t take the time to tried and understand what are really doing. I hope this is true, the latest Blog, I really hope so, please don’t scam people, be transparent as possible, people like me will be blogging positive point of view for you. Keep up good work!

What is pattern recognition

For more than 70 years since the advent of computers, the mankind has made tremendous progress in this area. Today, a personal computer is a device capable of executing billions of complex mathematical operations per second and instantly making calculations that previously people would have spent a few years on.

However, the speed only seems fast. Computers can really instantly calculate spacecraft’s orbit, which would take a professor of astronomy a month. But when computers have to distinguish between a cow and a horse in a picture (a task that any five-year-old will handle in a second) or read the handwriting, then they run into considerable difficulties. At best, computers will spend a lot more time on the task than a child, but most likely they will fail. Even if they don’t fail, then in many cases the answer is incorrect.

Many are now trying to address this issue. Many programs have been developed to perform these tasks in a varying degree – to recognize text, vehicle license plates or people’s faces – but in general the mankind has not achieved a lot here. The algorithms that are currently used for pattern recognition have nothing in common with the way nature does it.

Who needs it and what for

In reality, this very narrow and small – as it may seem to some – issue is one of the global challenges for the mankind. Its solution may give the mankind a sudden change comparable with the change that once came with the discovery of electricity and radio waves. Addressing this issue will change the world. Pattern recognition is not only a recognition of texts and pictures. Pattern recognition means that computers will learn to listen and to understand human speech, drive cars, fly planes, operate trains and ships, do construction work instead of people, clean up apartments and yards, cook, replace vendors, movers, unskilled laborers, police officers, etc.

Computers will be able to replace humans in all areas that don’t require creativity – where the task is purely mechanical – to recognize a pattern (roads, traffic lights, pots, boxes, garbage, etc.) and perform an action known in advance depending on the recognized pattern. The introduction of computers will not only significantly reduce the cost of all the mentioned works but will also save tens of thousands of lives. Computers, unlike humans, don’t make mistakes. As the result, traffic accidents will be reduced to almost nothing; planes won’t fall, ships won’t sink and trains won’t derail as often; the number of accidents at construction sites will decrease, etc.

Why do we believe that it is possible

People dream of many things that today are pure fiction. People dream of traveling to other planets, but the vast distances between the stars and the relativity theory limiting the maximum possible speed to 300,000 km/sec make these flights theoretically impossible. People dream of a perpetual motion machine but the laws of physics say that it is not possible. People dream of immortality but biology challenges the opportunity of it in the near future. Pattern recognition is a whole different thing. An example of the task being successfully performed is obvious – it’s us, dogs, cats, hamsters, lions, and tigers. All of them successfully cope with this task, which means that the task is 100% guaranteed to have a solution; and this problem will be 100% solved by the mankind in the near future. The question is not whether it is possible or not. The answer is yes! The question is when and who will do it first. With your help, my friends, we are confident that we will do it in the coming years, and perhaps even months. Why do we need you to do it The main difference between a computer and the brain is that the computer is capable of executing billions of operations per second, and the brain is only able to consistently execute dozens of operations per second but it can simultaneously execute trillions of logical operation streams. Experiments in this area require the exact system that has been created by DigitalGeneration – a large distributed network.

With the help of DigitalGeneration, we’ll finally be able to understand the working algorithm of living organisms and to transfer this algorithm to a standard personal computer. We already have some experience in this area, and we are confident that we will succeed. Besides, we are open to cooperation and are ready to share our resources with anyone working in the same area.

Economic justification – how much can you make

First, the costs. Let’s say that DigitalGeneration’s network will soon include one million computers and the development will take three years (the numbers are deliberately exaggerated as we now expect to pull it off with several hundreds of thousands of computers and within a year), then our cost of paying you will amount to a little over $1 billion. Plus a certain amount of money will be spent on the development itself, to pay programmers, rent an office, etc. (But this amount will be partially covered by the users who will have bought ThreadManager licenses, so our costs will not exceed $1 billion. )

Now, the revenue. Let’s say that we will sell our technology to the automotive industry. A vehicle without a driver is very convenient and will save businesses huge amounts of money. Suppose we will have $1,000 from each such vehicle. About 60 million vehicles are being produced globally each year, which means that our revenue will be $60 billion per year, or $1 trillion over ten years given the growth of the global automotive industry. Suppose we will create street cleaning robots using our technology. Let’s say that now 0.1% of the world population are working as street cleaners. Then, based on the rate of saving $1,000 a year for each street cleaner our revenue will amount to about $100 billion over 10 years. The calculations for the other sectors of the economy demonstrate about the same. In general, our revenue should amount to $1 trillion a year. It means a 1000% yield in a year. We are ready to share our income with you, my friends, but in return we ask you for your support and understanding!