Prepare for a cold or flu initiated by a Sore or Dry or Scratchy Throat

That’s right people, if you have these symptoms, it will follow by dizziness, tiresome, it is a cold or a flu. However a Sore or Dry or Scratchy Throat can sometime be serious not follow by Flu or Cold. So be careful!

However normally when I get a scratchy throat, it is always follow by mucus in the throat, light head ache, dizziness, then soft cough and so on, it does go a way in a few days. For me that’s the symptoms for a cold or a flu, I never really drink any medication as I don’t think there’s any medication that would cure it, however there are medication over the counter for suppressing it, but not really a cure, the cure really is rest, hot chicken soup, sleep, let your body fight the virus, but eating lots of vitamins such as Orange Juice C.

It’s funny sometime people said “I think I need antibiotics to cure my cold” LOL now for all of you medical student or a know a bit about cold or flu, it is a virus, I don’t think a cold or virus need to be treated with antibiotics, however if it does gets worst last more than weeks then yeah see your doctor, you might need it because it’s no longer a virus 🙂 OK what do I know right? I’m not a doctor or a medical student, hec! I don’t even know how to write english LOL. But, what I know is by observing, reading and watching informative current news and I mean current! not old ancient 1975 encyclopedia.

A cold or flu is a virus, it spread from person to person, so if you want to prevent this, take a flu vaccine shot or keep on washing your hand and never put you hand finger to your eye nose air and mouth, that’s where the virus will get to you.


prepare for the worst if you a sore scratchy throat it will follow by a cold or flu don't blame on something you ate or something bite you

prepare for the worst if you a sore scratchy throat it will follow by a cold or flu don’t blame on something you ate or something bite you

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