Will coingeneration.com deliver what they promise this week or toward next week?

Many people by now had enough patient waiting for the payout over one month already. Some are will to wait more time even though the website update indicated payment will resume in few hours. For many they say, better next week instead of any hope this week end. Guess what? the good news! just now many users in certain part of the world confirmed that they’re getting paid via payza with new [email protected] address payza account, however the amount were under $5, very small amount, good start! so when will people with 100 threads that probably have over $5000 by now, when will they get paid? the question we may never know the answer, hopefully next week. The bottom line is, with all this backlog, it will be difficult for them to make the payment, chances are they will pay trial thread users to trick them in buy more threads and more threads and more, leaving the veteran users in limbo because those veteran users already max their threads and don’t care much about them. Speculation indicated Coingeneration.com Digital Generation DG paid for new users threads tricking them on buy more and more threads to the max with all the money and they keep doing that, while those people that have 100 threads or so just waiting and waiting and probably will never get paid if the payment already reached  their return of investments. See if you invest $500, coingeneration.com digital generation will probably paid you $500 and then they just hide making excuses and not much you can do because you already get your $500 back. Let’s hope this is not the case! good luck all.

coingeneration.com Digital Generation DG news update screen shot translation on regards to payout situation this week end

coingeneration.com Digital Generation DG news update screen shot translation on regards to payout situation this week end

coingeneration.com Digital Generation DG started making payout payments to users via payza ewallet.digitalgeneration@gmail.com

coingeneration.com Digital Generation DG started making payout payments to users via payza [email protected]