Is there any husband and wife relationship that never had any argument?

Is there any husband and wife relationship that never had any argument? When I search for answer to this question or similar question, I got response below, which I think I think make sense. Making sense is one thing but how many relationship really work like that?

That’s the fast answer!

A good marriage is built on taking care of the OTHER person first. It’s built on LISTENING before talking. It’s built on understanding that most things are simply not worth fighting about.

and when it is something important, a good marriage means the couple will sit down and quietly talk out a solution to their differences.

Fighting that often would tell me that the two people are both in very defensive positions and operating out of fear or guilt or both.

Suggest counseling to learn to talk to each other gently and how to settle differences without someone ‘winning’ and someone ‘losing.’

Quite criticizing each other, even to yourselves. Compliment, encourage, build up — in other words, get rid of that brick wall, brick by brick. It only bruises both of you.

I agreed with the answer NO, and if any husband and wife relationship said that they never argue, I really want to meet them LOL

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