My inbox mail is empty and I don’t use any spam protection software

How do I do it? keeping my inbox email yahoo clean? free from spam and hacking? easy LOL, just sit back and relax and manually check email every 1 min LOL and click on delete delete delete of easy to spot spam mail, advertisement email, and other non direct email, email that are not from your friends or family or people you know, it’s the best technique to battle spam mail HAHAHHAAH yeah ! funny but it work, my eye work well with my brain and off course clicking delete πŸ™‚ got my inbox cleaned LOL. OK so that’s not so funny, but anyhow, I got yahoo email for ever since I started using the internet after got rid of expensive AOL dial up, I also had other email such as gmail hotmail and so on, but I forward all those mail to my yahoo mail as my primary email, then I batter the spam and hacking and virus malware in yahoo inbox, many of you think yahoo sucks, but I think all email sucks, just have to know how to use it properly, I receive tons of email per day or should I say per hour :), then I rely on my quick brain and eye and click to sort out manually which email are spam and not πŸ™‚ so it’s like a daily routine, fun one sometime, but for many it’s irritating because they don’t spend that much time on the computer. So for those people I recommend email filter software or other related malwares virus scanning software to block all spam mail, but guess what? sometime you might missed an important email from someone your email think it’s spam HAHAHH so take that πŸ™‚ human vs. machine, in this case Β human that’s me, WIN! think about it, if you delete spam mail manually it helps your brain think faster quicker smarter, fast mouse cliker, and good eye in detecting things πŸ™‚

how to improve brain power smart more intelligent quick thinker quick clicker fast eye by battling and deleting spam mail daily LOL

how to improve brain power smart more intelligent quick thinker quick clicker fast eye by battling and deleting spam mail daily LOL

how to battle with spam mail the fun way increasing your clicking per mins rate you'll be fastest clicker ever

how to battle with spam mail the fun way increasing your clicking per mins rate you’ll be fastest clicker ever


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