Shooting again here in the USA, this time at a Sikh temple outside of Milwaukee Wisconsin over 7 dead many wounded. Gunmen also dead. This happens today earlier 08/05/2012 just after few weeks of the Colorado Aurora shooting that killed 12. Is the gun to blame? many would think not, it’s the people that kill other people, if we don’t have gun people would find other ways to kill other people. Incident like this somehow trigger the sale of guns firearm, are people worrying, trying to protect themselves? well! how the hell they’re going to protect themselves if shooting like Aurora Colorado and this Sikh temple shooting? everyone going to carry weapons? something not right there, unless we want to go back to the Wild Wild West days where everyone can carry guns. Indeed sad, best prayers for Sikh communities, keep moving forward, don’t get discourage, things happens for a reason, for better things to come.
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Shooters related to the Sikh communities otherwise if it’s black or white hatred reason this gonna disturb things up big time.