Have you received an email from someone you don’t know, perhaps some business or individual, and the email didn’t get flagged as SPAM folder? and the email related to “100 dollars a day for you” or something similar. The from email address is something like [email protected] or cointellectnow.com? well the domain for that email don’t exist for start.
Below are reasons why it’s a scam, and it is similar to coingeneration.com ipuservices.com btc-o-matic.com, dgstocks.com anonypay.com and many others that tied to HYIP, high yield investment programs.
- Fake gimmicky graphics on mining software screen shot, got photoshop or does not exist at all, not real software like coingeneration.com and ipuservices.com
- The software deep antivirus malwares scan revealed multiple hacking viruses, including the types that can control your computer remotely
- Fake social media followers and likes. You can purchase 1000 Likes on Facebook, 1000 followers on twitter for about $20 (20 USD)
- cointellect.com domain has backlinks all over the internet including porn piracy gambling websites.
- The domain name link back to many fishy scamming websites and business in the past.
If you know about coingeneration.com scam, this cointellect.com is another one, look familiar below? it is.

cointellect.com running same scam as coingeneration.com taking advantage of crypto mining to fool people

cointellect.com coingeneration.com coinbeez.com ipuservices all scam ran by the same scammers repeating the cycle with new twist in scamming
Hey ,
As one of my referrals in some previous project today I want to introduce you this new and great earning opportunity that doesn’t require any payment to start with.
There’s in fact a company that is willing to pay you to ‘rent’ your computer computing power to produce crypto currency (a currency similar to the well known bitcoin) and that as soon as you’ll make the payment request it will send you money on your Paypal account or on your crypto corrency wallet.In order to start you’ve just to sign up, download their software and run it on your computer.
As I’ve already told you, it doesn’t cost anything to try it out and if you’re not satisfied with your earnings you can just leave the project and delete the software. If you want to earn more than what you’re already producing only with the computer(s) that you own you can also decide to pay for a contract (I repeat, only in this case you’ll have to pay something, otherwise everything is and will be always free) in order to get more computing power.
I’ve already got several payments (on my Paypal account) and I assure you that the company pays without any problem at all!
In addition to this, if you’ll make your friends/acquaintances to join the program you’ll get an additional 10% on their earnings.
To start this new project click HERE and sign up now!
Have a nice day,