So many SEO search-engine-optimization tips and ideas and videos and blog are they all the same?

I’ve been interested in learning more about SEO or so call search engine optimization, the only SEO that I know are – ensure website have unique contents – the pictures has text label – keep website content updated frequently – web server always up and running 24/7 . Other than that, I’m not sure what’s more, well guess what? there are more, if a person want to sell or promote certain products then a lot more work. What I’ve learned so far by mostly watching the videos when I have a chance are: let say you want to sell candle, now candle is a broad word, so specific such as candle for sale – but candle for sale seems to be broad also, how about “custom made soy candle”, that’s better, now the next step is to use SEO tools and do more analysis on what’s your site rank when people search for “custom made soy candle” and how to make it appears on the first page or possible first listing, that is how to use SEO to promote your product, the higher your page rank, not necessary website, but the page rank, the more opportunity you will turn those ranking into click and purchase 🙂

basic seo need to know and example how to

basic seo need to know and example how to

Below are videos from youtube that many so call expert whether real expert or not we dont’ know, but watch the videos there might be something we can learn from each other, I wouldn’t say all are correct or all are wrong, if you want real expert then maybe take real course with other people from a certified SEO professors, but if you’re watching youtube then be careful 🙂 you can watch these videos by searching on youtube for “seo” or just click on videos below to watch directly, credit goes to youtube and the video creators.

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