Someone posted this chat log screen shot with Payza in regard to payments

Wow if this is true, this could change everything, people trust and believe with Digital Generation DG all this time? or could it be just a made up chat log? or the support chat person at Payza is not well aware of any deal with Payza and coingeneration? it’s still questionable. I personally feel that this chat log is real from whoever was contacting Payza in this matter. However the questions and answers could be a little bit confusing and point toward the support person wasn’t aware of any deal and coingeneration was making up stories to kill time. A very confuse chat log doesn’t match with coingeneration statement on their membership homepage for registered users. If it’s true, now they just kill time and get more people with trial threads to buy more threads. I hope this is not true! many people are supporting to stay alive solve this issue with payza.

On the other hand, people reported that they just got an email from coingeneration in regard to negociation. So maybe indeed the guy whom chat with payza support, the payza support person doesn’t know what’s going on, indeed there might be an upper management negociation with coingeneration to resume payments but temporary and maybe restriction in place.

chat log with payza from one member of Digital Generation DG making up stories to kill time?

chat log with payza from one member of Digital Generation DG making up stories to kill time?