Having problem with RadioLoyalty? you’re not alone! As more and more people reported problems with using RadioLoyalty to earn credits for giftcard. Almost everybody have problem with Captcha not appearing for the whole day, and sometime even after clearing cache and restart the browser still don’t work.
A lot of RadioLoyalty listeners agreed to this post below I got from another forum.
The issue is not because of the browsers that you use, nor the operating system or computer itself. I’m not 100% sure about it but I’m guessing that your ISP is not the problem either. This is something RadioRoyalty does frequently and RR itself is aware of these problems. I’ve used various browsers and used Windows 7 and about 3 Linux operating systems on different computers for many months. I even went as far as borrowing someone else’s laptop that has never used any GPT and RR, and took it to a friend’s house to try RR there but the problems were the same. My friend uses the same ISP as I do, so I can’t say if this is AT&T DSL that’s causing RR to act this way, but I’m sure RR is doing things on purpose just so they can get away with not paying. The problems with the SolveMedia captcha happen nowhere else, and other times, RR refreshes itself right before the captchat should appear. It’s really a shame that they purposely do these things. It’s not like they’re sharing loads of money, you know. All those ads around pay more than what regular people like us would really know.
I too did some test and it appears that RadioRoyalty isn’t doing much to fix, so therefore it’s safe to say RadioLoyalty left the problem there on purpose to not paying the listeners money for listening to Radio station with advertisements and a lot of advertisements.