Anyone feel any impact at all with the US Government shut down?

Maybe we don’t need government to run the country after all? Maybe so, it’s true? Appear to be. My honest opinion on this is that, from few days already maybe a week over, the country USA ran fine without US Government, so don’t you think we’re better off without the government? errr I don’t think so, we still need them in some area, but stop paying them six figure income and get them to work intelligently! What do you think? watch videos below.
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Ex U.S. Army soldier versus State Trooper Police who won?

U.S. Army soldier versus State Trooper Police. Police WIN! soldier dead! I thought soldier suppose to be better, not this time! OK it’s not funny, but an example of if you’re a military personnel doesn’t mean you’re a good person, same for everyone else think they’re more superior. By the way I haven’t gotten to the racist colors of the shooter, that’s another story

State Trooper Police versus ex U.S. Military soldier. Soldier dead! what a shame!


The police could have open the car door or break the window and take out the key

The event that unfold at the Capital DC near white house, I would have to give Police credit for not firing at the driver soon, because they’re giving her a chance, but she didn’t. So in the end shot fire and she’s dead. However despite that I think Police could have done a better job. Need to review their training, in situation like this police could have open car door or break window down go for the car key or the transmission in Park. But – again it happen so quick that even the sharpest mind will make mistake and will not think fast enough to take action and sometime the action might result in even worst reaction, the woman might have a gun or a knife that she will pull out and stab or shoot anyone reaching inside her car. Anyhow, woman is dead, no one else hurt.

US Government Ready for a shutdown?

By now, most US residents or even the whole world knows about the news about the possible shut down of US Government, well not to worry it will never happen, this has been an ongoing issue, and at the end of the day they always comes to an agreement. However worse case scenarios it will be down for a few hours or day or less then back up again. But, what will the consequences if it get shut down?

Read this article below from CNN News.

10 ways a government shutdown would affect your daily life

US Government shutting down 2013 2014

US Government shutting down 2013 2014

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Don’t mess with United States military personnel or else you’re dead

Well some military personnel not all. Don’t mess with them, make sure you know who you’re robbing otherwise you’re dead and embarrass the whole robbing communities LOL, better yeat, don’t rob anyone at all.

Question: why military personnel allow to carry loaded gun?

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Yet another shooting this time in DC Navy shipyard

So people really don’t have better things to do other than harming other people? It doesn’t matter who you are, in this case military uniform two person, whether they’re real military personel or not, doesn’t matter. The point here is that people have plenty of time to wasted on something like this. Make me sick! I’m here working by arse! off, trying to make a good living for myself and family, there are so many things to do, so many potential business, so many ways to improves or fix world’s problem, why you need to be a burden to society?

Putin said to America “You’re not special” well now you know to what extend communism will go and say

Many people think what Putin said were impressive, but to the vast majority of the people in the US and the world, especially in the US were outraged by what was said my Putin, Russia president. Well now you know when people are jealous they will go to the extend of saying whatever they want to say even as president of a country. I wonder why Putin still president, isn’t his term supposed to be over by now? Talking about how un-professionalism communist leaders could be, especially Russia’s president, so now you wonder why communist countries are so special, there is your answer, even as a leader, he doesn’t care about how it might ruin his country leadership reputation relationship with other countries, what a jerk!

Today is September 11th 2013 few years ago 9/11 here in the USA we remember 2,977 died on 9/11

For many people in the USA, many if not all would know about the Septemeber 11th also known as 911. At this time I was at home working from home to be exact, I turned on the news channel, and there it is, all the TV channels broadcast the horrific event that happened in New York, I was in California by the way. I could see and felt what those people endure at that moment, not only the folks that are inside, but also outside even far away. Up to today, even I’m a Christian, a Roman Catholic, I can say this, bring all those that involved in this attack to justice, let them see the people they killed, the family members that have loves one killed, and those that are involved must face the consequences even death! If I were to be involve, I would ask for death penalty as well.

Anyhow, although it’s so long ago, but I think it still hit us, even though we’re not there and we have no one that we know there that got killed or injured, this is an attack to the nation, the whole United States. George W. Bush did a good job and did the right thing, invaded countries that support the terrorist, and yes indeed wiped them out slowly and in the end killed Osama Bin Laden, and including hanging Sadam Hussen. Now we’re slowly withdrawing troops back to America. Terrorist still exist but be assure that we can destroy them with our high tech military equipment including those drones can be operated remotely. Talking about drones, people say it may kill innocent people, but I can tell you this, if you put a drones there, it will kill 5 innocent people but saved 50,000 people, saved 100 military personnel, save the world from being terrorized by these terrorist, which one you pick? your choice.

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The monster is dead didn’t even survive a month in jail

Ariel Castro dead; Cleveland kidnapper committed suicide in prison cell

If you call the case where that man had a few woman in his basement or somewhere in the house, molesting them, raping them, tying them up, locking them in and so on … a monster, a devil, sick in the head, a burden to society should have been put to death instead of 1000 years sentence. But – I can tell you that, scientifically or in the medical field, should take this man and do some study on him to see how become about this monster, so we can prevent or predict such people exist in society.

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Are the kids eating their lunch meal fine in school?

I’ve seen many complaint or comments from parents for 2013-2014 school years about their kids coming home hungry due to not finish eating their meal in school.

4 days in a row Bella came home from school and very hungry! She is complaining about ” the food in the school’s cafeteria is nasty.” Thanks to Obama food program, a lot of kids will toss the whole tray into the trash can!

Then a respond that make sense from one parents.

I’ve gone to help during lunch time everyday of this week and true, The food probably doesn’t taste great given its often overcooked (little burnt) but majority of the kids I helped through the lunch line refused to get a vegetable & a fruit and when I asked why, they say they don’t like to eat fruits or vegetable. So they end up only eating the main dish & sometime they don’t even finish that. So I can see why they would be hungry by the time they come home. Also, there’s not a lot of time to eat so when the kids talks a lot at lunch time, they often don’t finish lunch on time. It’s sad to dump trays with 1/2 the food still on it in the trash. But there’s just not enough staff & volunteers to keep telling the kids to eat up & less talking.