Amazon shipping status “Shipping Now” Preparing shipping

Don’t worry folks. A lot of people worries about their items purchased from amazon will not shipped or delivered as promised. For instant, you might place an order for free shipping or whatever shipping method you have, and you see a date range giving on when your products will arrive. It could be 1-2 weeks. However you’re seeing the status of preparing shipping, or shipping now, and you the estimated delivery only a couple days away. Don’t worry, it will get delivered before or on that date 99% of the time, unless some issue with shipping company.

In other word. Let say you place an order on May 1st, 2014. The free shipping indicated that you will get it on May 5th to May 10th. Chances are, 50% of the orders will delivered to you on May 5th, the other 25% on May 7th, and the other 24% will delivered on May 9th, and 1% will get delivered on May 10th or longer.

Basically don’t worry, Amazon is an internet company. They have high tech equipment and system to monitor shipping orders status and so on. What might have happen is you ordered items sold by Amazon and also third party sellers. Sometime the third party sellers ship it directly to you, but for some other sellers they ship the items to Amazon, then Amazon combined with other items sold by Amazon and ship it to you at the same time. Consolidation shipments so call, that’s why you get free shipping discount. It’s all good.

So the next time you worries, just look at the estimated delivery date and always take the last date delivered by as your delivery date, however 50% of time you will get it sooner, but better to go with last date. Let say May 1st to May 10th, take May 10th to be safe 🙂

Our skies will be littered with drones coming soon

Amazon announced while back, trying to deliver your products via drones. First of all, I would like to say or answer the most famous technical question of all. Too many drones out there will crashes into each other, well folks, if you’re into technology you would probably figure out the answer. Drones are high tech flying machine, when we talk about high tech equipment, we probably already know that it has sensors, GPS navigator, and so on.

Take the prototype google car for example, it has hundreds upward to thousand cameras and sensors, including GPS navigation. It got into two accidents, and the accident was not caused by google car by another car hitting it. So now let’s look back at the drones, you don’t think the drones has cameras and sensors? so yeah, not easily will bump into another drones that easily, and off course whatever delivery business using the drones would need to map out safety flight path comply with local, state, and federal regulations.

This is the new era of delivery. I can foresee many will be out of jobs, specially to those pizza delivery folks, usps, ups, fedex, dhl, messenger service, drug dealers and so on. Most if not all will be eventually out of job, the machine will be taking over, and most likely will cause chaos, human will attack these drones, but for sure there will be fine for destroying, consider as destroying other people’s property, in this case the drones could cost upward thousands of dollars and possible jail time, and don’t try to get away, because you can’t, this machine has many cameras and sensors, you are being recorded. So yeah, I think it will work out.

Power outage due to severe storm within a few seconds it does a lot of damages

The reason I haven’t been able to blog much over the past couple of days because of the power outage here in the East Coast of the US. It’s incredible what a few seconds of high wind can do. In just a few seconds, a 70 miles per hours swept through my area of the neighborhood region, it brought destruction. Tall trees being split in half, branches broken down, up root, and so on. Probably not a good idea to have tall trees, if I do, I would chop off the branches and let it grow tall and thin, just like coconut tree.

The result were, at least 5 people died to the storm and caused major damages. Including power outage of more than half million customers for 24 hours or more.

My power was off for over 24 hours. It went down on July 8th 2014 at 6PM, and did not come back on until 9PM on July 10th. Terrible I tell you. My house pretty much new, well 4-5 years old I would consider new. All the electrical residential municipal power has been buried, but still somewhere in the old neighborhood where the power feed to us, that wire came down. For some reason, we’re the last to get our power back on. This has always been the case, when power goes out here in this area, our neighbor always the last to get power back on, it sucks really.

Luckily I have power generator and kept it running continuously all day, and shut down at night time to sleep while using the backup marine batteries. Then power it on again during the day time, I only let it rest when I need to refuel it. One thing my generate really irritate me is it uses the a lot of oil. If you got a power generator like mine, I forgot the model and brand, but what happen is it will run great and then stopped every 15 minutes or less and then 5 minutes and then 1 minute. It turns out the oil was empty, I had to refill it. So if your generator start quitting every 30 minutes then 20 minutes, then 15 minutes then 5 minutes, then 1 minute, it probably need oil. That’s the pattern.

I was able to power one refrigerator, one freezer, one HD TV and cable box, 2 laptops, one desktop, two cooling fan, fish tank water filter, and charges all my mobile devices. It’s awesome, and the generator I believe is a 2000watts, 4000watts peak I believe.

Reckless driving red car at 11AM June 15th 2014 Coatesville PA drove by St. Joseph Coatesville PA Charles Street

People whom goes to Sunday catholic Church at St. Joshep Catholic church parking activities be careful of reckless drivers from that neighborhood, don’t get me wrong, not everyone in that neighborhood are bad, but just watch out you may never know who’s driving recklessly there, it could be the neighbors there or it could be someone visiting or trespassing there. It could also be a few isolated incident.

Earlier today June 15th Sunday, also father day, a red card speed through Charles Street honking everybody to get out of the road while he’s driving and drinking something. I saw this certainly not a black person and probably not white either speed through witness with my own eye have no yield or being courteous to anyone whom just got out of church walking out and slowing depart the parking lot. This driver appear to be holding drinking a big gulp of drink, it could be water, soft drink, or perhaps even beer, but the driver on this red car speed through real fast honking and didn’t stop at the stop sign and people just got out of church.

Be careful, what I witness again could be a few isolated incident here in Charles St, St. Joseph catholic church Coatesville  PA. These reckless drivers especially the one I witness today, on a red car, red Maxima, Altima, or possibly Mitsubishi or Honda Accord, hard to tell. As he drove by recklessly very fast, honking people from parking lot and pedestrian, careless for people whom just got out of church. Below are pictures of the red car what I can recall look like.

Most likely it’s an Altima model of Nissan. As I recall this is what it look like from the back, it’s red and the back look like that. The driver careless of people pedestrian of whom just off of church, he honk them, on top of that no yield for people whom just slowly moving out of the parking lot. He kept on speeding up through really fast recklessly driving. It’s a father day, and I hope that if this person is a father, he should think about his careless recklessness action and be a better father, setting up good example for his kid or kids.


Red Altima reckless driving on Charles St Coatesville PA parking lot of St Joseph Church as people just off church

Red Altima reckless driving on Charles St Coatesville PA parking lot of St Joseph Church as people just off church

Did you know that mission to Mars started back in the 60s first with the Russian or also known as the Soviet Union

Well I didn’t know this until today after doing some research on how many probes and tried we did in the past to Mars. Look like the Soviet Union or Russia had started the attempt to Mars at least six times before the US back in the 60s 70s. However all their initial attempts were failed, sending unmanned probes.

The US tried to send an unmanned spaceship also the first time but failed. Then the second time, USA succeed but it was just a fly by not a landed to planet Mars. It was a great s

Mission to Mars failures and success timeline and lists up to date

Mission to Mars failures and success timeline and lists up to date

You think your life is tough? Think again after watching this video

Most of us are complaining about how tough our lives are, with or without kids. We complained about our spouses, our cars, our house, how little money we have, don’t have time for this and that. What about this little boy life. Born blind, never seen anything, never knew all the colors, what is black? what is white? what life look like? Imagine taken a walk, finding your way around. Before you start complaining about your life, think of this child and many like him.

Couples should go on vacation instead of buying stuff?

I just came across a facebook sharing link, meaning someone from my facebook friends posted or liked a link, although I hate it, but sometime can be useful. As this is one example I think is useful. The link mentioned “15 Reasons Couples Should Go On Vacation Instead of Buying Stuff” Now if you visit that site it will take you through few pages on the 15 reasons, which all make sense but I don’t think it can be applied for all couples. What if the couple don’t have money to spend on vacation going places, but with the money they have they can rent several good videos to watch, that way they don’t have to places.

Also, it’s not easy if a couple have kids. You got to bring the kids with you or take the risk of letting a baby sitter looking after them or taking advantage of your relatives to watch the kids for you while you’re enjoying a vacation just the two of you, I would be worried.

Solar Power beat out fossil fuels in generation electricity

Finally! NOW! everyone! should consider getting solar power. Solar power can beat out fossil fuels in generating big-scale electricity! It’s not a question of if or when for ROI, but more of a question where to install it and which Grid-Tie Inverter? Have you noticed lately? power meter being upgraded? that new meter will support Grid-Tie technology where if you can generate power you can sell it back to the power company! Solar Power Panels shopping here I come!  although this news pertain to commercial but consumer can get in for a good deal as me, whom consumed hundreds thousand of killowatts per month for Cryptocoin hashing!Â