Cryptocoins mining isn’t profitable anymore unless free electricity

Now a day even with actual mining equipment or hardware specifically designed to mine cryptocoins at a high hash rate, still not profitable due to the ROI (return of investments). If you spent $10K average price to get a 100mh/s at this time, it will take you 6 months or more depend on the hash rate speed of other devices and people are buying and added more hash rate to the network, not taking bitcoin prices into consideration, whether it will go up or down, or got shut down by the government permanently.

However if we’re mining cryptocoins and saving them, meaning we can trade between the coins, alt coins, to Bitcoin whatever, then keep it safe. Safe in this case an offline wallet where hackers will not see to hack. Then mining and saving the coins are fine. Just wait for one day, it will soar again like an eagle, not really like a rocket again, it will not sky rocket, but maybe it will soar like an eagle. Then we can dispose the Bitcoin to USD. This to say if we can afford to pay for electric bill, which isn’t cheap in most places. Some people lucky enough to sneak their equipment into their employers office and mine using their company power, to me, that’s stealing, and consequently will not look good. Others even tried to take advantage of moving into an apartment where free electricity was given and took advantage of that, this include college dorm room and so on where ever free electricity exist, but all these to me consider as stealing which I don’t do.

For me, I’m paying thousand dollars a month on electric bill, sometime I make thousand worth of bitcoin, sometime I don’t. Luckily I have enough Bitcoin sold for cash USD to sustain my home mining operation to pay for electric bill for the next 6 months or more, then I must start selling my Bitcoin to pay for electric bill. Hope by then Bitcoin goes up again, if not then I will loose time and effort and off course Bitcoin, for nothing. Well maybe something, at least I learned and had something to do, instead of going out causing trouble. A person should not be a burden to society, should not lied, be truthful although it might be ugly or embarrassing, but that’s my principle.

On the bright side, let say what I’m paying for electricity today and also pre-order of mining equipment currently is a loss, I don’t pocket a penny at this time and maybe for the next few months, but let say next year or few years from today, what ever Bitcoin I have and I didn’t sold them, and the Bitcoin price at $10K and I have 20Bitcoin, tha’ts $200K cash. Well not really cash, because these cryptocoin are consider taxable entities, like your asset. Maybe by the time Bitcoin reached $10k, the government worldwide already got the tax figured out and maybe also use Bitcoin as world currency then there will be no hiding from tax. Probably not anonymous either, who knows, since there are traces in blockchain of the Bitcoin address transactions movements.

Can Vietnam survives without China?

The two communist countries apparently at a war on territorial water ownership in the Spratly island. Lately China pushed one of its oil-rig to the disputed island Vietnam claimed it belongs to them. Apparently both side isn’t backing down and images and videos proven that the Chinese Coast Guard ram the Vietnamese Coast Guard boat, and many Chinese Military vessels are on its way to the location where the incident happened.

Vietnam have a very weak military power in term of technology and lack of high tech weapons. While China advance military is as good as other advance technological countries such as European and US, including nuke! that’s right nuclear power and not to mention military soldiers. Basically China can wipe out Vietnam very easy and very quick. However what’s saving Vietnam is the international intervention and the transparencies now visible to the world of what happening, and so China not going to attack Vietnam that easily if its want to gain maintain economic growth. China already evacuated thousands of Chinese back home. China also cut many ties with Vietnam, as a result Vietnam will see some economic growth fallen.

Vietnam had beaten many invasion from other countries, such as the Chinese long time ago, then French and British, and then the US, and now Chinese back again but this time in the Spratly island area.

So the big question. Can Vietnam survive without China? since China has been its own support in economic growth. Although other countries such as Taiwan, Japan and Korea are primary investors, little investors from Europe US and other countries. The favor most likely will be on China side if Vietnam loss its ties with China. Will Vietnam suffer? probably not, and it might a good thing for Vietnam to change its government strategies and moving away from being a communist. It’s hard to say if anything much will happen. China will probably not going to attack or bomb Vietnam anytime soon, but for sure a different warfare will happens as a result of China bully. This warfare probably includes terrorist attack from either side against each other. Racism violence.

Vietnam allowed protest against invasion of Chinese oil rig into Vietnam territorial water turned violence

I’m impressed, finally the Vietnamese communist regime in Vietnam allowed protest against China invasion territorial Vietnam water. As many people know in Vietnam when protest like this happening, the authority would beat up the protesters and sometime to death. Unfortunately it turned into a violence protest killed at least two Chinese, and over hundreds Chinese in Vietnam wounded. Finally on CNN front page, gained so much international attention now. Could be very bad for Vietnam but in a positive way that although a small country but will not give up fighting what belong to us. China had cut many ties to Vietnam in term of Financial and investments, could hurt Vietnam but again in a positive way for this outcome, basically not because of money but cultural pride. Highly recommend all Vietnamese inside and outside of state to avoid traveling to China and if you’re Vietnamese in China, expect the same treatment.

April month is the sadness month for the South Vietnamese all over the globe

Back in 1975, when the Viet Cong (Vietnam communist party) took control of Vietnam, many Vietnamese most if not all suffered the consequences. Many say that Vietnam was worst than what it was before, people went hungry, no support from outsider, not even their own communist regime ally like the Russia and Chinese. Not a surprise, later even their own military personnel in Vietnam, so call Viet Cong, even admitted that their government treated the people worst than when the American were around in Vietnam.

Years passed, knowing that their communist regime ally Chinese and Russian don’t help Vietnam much, the government decided to look else where and began to open door for trade. It was a desperate attempt, but a good workable solution. The country became a little more open for outsider, foreigner to visit and invest, and eventually export and import more open than before which in the end Vietnam today became one of the world fastest development country in the world. Although some old habits still exist such as bribery, the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer. Luckily, many Vietnamese in Vietnam whom have relatives live abroad, such as in America and Europe, will sends money home to support their family still back in Vietnam.

April 30th 1975 was the saddest day of Vietnam. People in Saigon, South Vietnam tried everything that they could to flees the countries with the American, but unfortunately there wasn’t enough seats for the voyage to Amerca. The American allowed theses folks to come with them to America, but just that limited tickets, seating for the long voyage. All ships were full, all military aircraft and even passengers plane were full. The last passenger plane flew out of Vietnam were overweight but luckily it made it out.

The Fall of Saigon April 30th 1975 Vietnam fall into the control of Communist regime.

The Fall of Saigon April 30th 1975 Vietnam fall into the control of Communist regime.

For the people that got left behind, the communist took over the so call White House, or the south Vietnam government place, and that was it, some say not even a single shot fired. The communist basically walk in and was welcome, and took over the country.

There were many horrific stories about the war which I cannot go into detail, but the tragedy of war exist on any war. War is bad, but it’s the solution to a temporary problem. Negociation failed, can we blame both side leadership skills?

More people were killed with the South Korea Ferry accident than the Malaysia flight 370 went missing

I could be wrong, but as of now with the numbers of people missing from the Ferry ship that was sank in South Korea are more than the numbers of people on Flight 370 Malaysia Airline that went missing. It’s hard to understand how an airplane can go missing, now it’s even harder to understand how such a big Ferry ship sank, and the people couldn’t get out? where are the Emergency exit? why only one life boat was deployed? why people were told to stay calm and stay in one place, don’t move or run or go anywhere. If the the ship beginning to sink, people have better chances stay alive by jumping off, jumping out, swim out, crawl out, whatever other than staying still in one place.

Come on now, the captain or crew members of the ship, I hate to say this, but these lack of intelligent people should get hanged. Why telling the people to stay still don’t move? In a ship, it’s different from being on airplane up the air. In the ship if it begin to sink, evacuate immediately, everyone should have life vest jacket, just jump out, get to the nearest exit or emergecy escape window, you will live, you will float, staying inside you will get suffocated and died a miserable death. The people whom ran this ferry boat seriously are responsible for the death of many in case and should get hanged, and everyone whom tied to this Ferry operations such as the company, and more.

Mars Rover captured light lid up from a distance ghost UFO or Mars civilization?

OH! Finally! Finally! Our robots found CIVILIZATION on MARS! WHOOOAAHHH!!!! Look like a city of light no? no! it’s a volcano? no! martian life form camp fire? no!

alien civilization found on Mars photo captured light lid up from far away April 2014

alien civilization found on Mars photo captured light lid up from far away April 2014

It look like some sort of gas geyser ignite in flame. However the picture appears to have taken early morning or dawn, it’s not clear, on top of that it’s black and white image. For many UFO fanatic they look at it as alien or martian or actual UFO visiting Mars just like us visiting Mars.  I was hoping for life form like martian or something but NASA already confirmed it, it’s not if you believe NASA and the government that is LOL

[Fake] Hoax [shocking video] flight mh370 found in indian ocean]

If the family of Flight MH370 Malaysia Airline passengers hasn’t suffers enough, now many hoax scam videos photos surfaces all over the internet social media like facebook and blogs. This is so sad that whoever the scammers are, they don’t have a heart. Scam on something else. Scam on something like this, the scammer will not have a good life, bad karma will get them. What goes around comes around.

Anyhow, if you see this similar image below that look like video youtube that you can click play, don’t click on it, it will take you to a hacking website, or a traffic redirected website to make them money. That’s right, they make money when you click on the image to play, it will not play. It will take you to certain traffic promotion website, and sometime with malwares hacking attempts. This is so unethical.

fake video image on malaysia airline MH370 found in indian ocean

fake video image on malaysia airline MH370 found in indian ocean

AT&T came out with many competitive pricing on shared plan

Whether you have AT&T or not, you would probably see commercial on TV, radio or on the internet about AT&T having these very special deal on unlimited text talk shared plant among all phones family plant that is. It is true and it’s a good thing I checked.

I have three phones, recently just upgraded two lines to an HTC One and a whopping $160 plan or so with limited minutes talk and no text, limited 200MB individual data plan. Good thing I saw the commercial and contacted AT&T. They fixed me up with a plan, unlimited text talk, and 300MB data shared among all phones. This come out to be $33 a month, so it does beat the competitor cheapest I see was $35  a month unlimited everything even data, but I doubt the data is unlimited, on top of that those other competitors don’t have as good reception due lack or limited antenna installed in some area.

With AT&T I believe they do have the best coverage antennas everywhere and very strong too. I’ve been with Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon, and some other smaller ones, but the best coverage is AT&T expensive too, but not anymore! that’s right AT&T now beating up the competitor price with their unlimited text talk, and data share plan phones. It’s awesome!

So check your cell phones plan, AT&T don’t contact you about better pricing, so do your homework and maybe call AT&T or check out their latest plan pricing on the website, I’m sure you will save big money. I did. My monthly was over $150 each month, last month was the worst I had to pay $245, mostly due to $70 activation fee for the two new phone. Even without the activation I’m paying like $ above $150 a month, like $175 or so or more. So I will be paying $100 a month now for three phones with unlimited text talk, shared, 300mb data, I think it’s a great deal!


Just want to drop a few words

Hey yo! Haven’t got a chance to blog much lately. Been busy with projects at work and family. Well you know family first, job second, blog next.

A few things I have been doing. Research scrypt-n. If you’re into bitcoin mining, you would probably know scrypt mining. Basically bitcoin mine with sha256 algo, while scrypt and scrypt-n diff. algo. SHA256 no longer profitable mining with GPUs, all ASICs now. Scrypt ASIC now are available and the price are dropping, eventually ASIC script will take over scrypt mining as well. GPUs have good chances to sustain mining scrypt-n coins, not popular now but eventually it will be popular. Otherwise GPU will flood ebay, cheap price for gamer, if those GPU are still good, since due to the abuse of cryptocoin mining overclock, firmware modification and so on.

Malaysia airline 370, finally some closure, but still not proof yet. Based on intelligence data, the plane crashed into the ocean on the west coast of Australia, in the Indian ocean, no chance of anyone would survive. Search has been suspended due to bad weather. Just a a couple more days the beacon that send a signal will run out of battery and will be very difficult to find the plan beneath the ocean.

Samsung S5 mobile devices are coming out estimate April 11th 2014. Whilee M8 HTC One aiming for March 25th. Two very good competitors. AT&T have a very good deal with 4 lines phones, unlimited text and talk for and 10GB of share data plan for $160, maybe $150.

Tax are due soon, April 15th, so get your tax done as soon as possible. Highly recommend Turbo Tax, and get the lawyer at the end to protect yourself, even if your risk level is low. You don’t want to deal with the IRS directly, get a lawyer, it’s better. You never have to talk directly to the IRS, you simply provide turbo tax lawyer whatever requested and you’re good to go. Keep all your receipts or whatever you claimed, dollars value must match, and off course legitimate.

Finally the weather this year is unbelievable. East Coast USA here, already spring and we got snow!, that’s right snow! and freezing cold in the 20s at night and high 30s day time. Something tell me this summer will be cold. This time last year 2013 we already see 60s 70s temperature but not this year 2014

This video touched my heart if I ever make any extra money I will donate to the poor

Although this probably not the first time I seen these images, or hear of the stories, although it could be a fake, a make up, but deep in my heart I know it’s true and exist somewhere in the world. There are a lot of unfortunate people out there struggle to survive. Most of us takes things for granted. Some people say, the unfortunate one are the one that by choice they want to be, with a little education, they can do better in life. I don’t know about that.