Finally I’ve made my decision to sell all my computers GPU mining equipments

It was a tough decision, but I went ahead and proceed with it. I have made up my mind to sell most if not all the GPU computer mining equipment, those includes GPU video cards, motherboard, computer power supply and so on. The whole nine yard basically.

What made me to come this conclusion is the fact that difficulty level had risen, and will continue to rise so high that even with good GPU mining scrypt will not be able to keep up with the cost of electricity. This is even with the BTC prices value risen lately, 20% or so within weeks. However this still doesn’t help, as I think more and more miners are jumping on board, and those newer miners purchased equipment that mine these cryptocoins specifically which achieves high rate of hashing GPU cannot compare. Vertcoin alternative? nah not at the moment.

My plan is to sell all these items but proceed to mine with gridseed which I will be purchasing from, that will be on another blog.

Tough decision, but it’s a done deal! I turned off all mining equipment GPUs computer that is, and will be refurbishing the GPUs and computers to sell on ebay. Maybe refurbish 3-4 GUs a day, then the motherboard.

Growing a pineapple FAILED!

Well I got an idea or actually proven by a friend that I can grow a pineapple by just cutting the top off and put it in a jar of water just enough water at the bottom, don’t submerge the whole top into the water. It didn’t work, it’s been almost one month, and I don’t see any roots sticking out, although there isn’t any foul smell or water get darken. The leaf are still green, but again no roots.

I’ve seen my friend pineapple started to have root already after he said 3 weeks or so, while I’m more than that don’t see a single root. Well, I’m going to let it sit for another couple weeks then throw it away since it doesn’t look nice 🙂 LOL.

What I thing happens with my pineapple is I might have pick a older pineapple or one that has been sitting for way too long, almost rotten. I think many people have success with this, for me, not so much luck.

how to grow a pineapple in a month

how to grow a pineapple in a month

Adding a sub panel or just breaker into existing circuit panel? Bitcoin Cryptocoins mining

As a Cryptocoins miners myself. I mined Bitcoin and other Cryptocoins currencies, virtual currencies to be exact. Surprisingly not too many people knows about this hobbies but now it has gained momentum and many got on board. However mining is kind of late, it’s better to buy the Cryptocoins directly than mining, because of the cost of electricity and the cost of mining hardware such as a computer and expensive GPU.

I faced the challenge of adding more power to my existing outlet or maybe create new outlet for more power since the existing home electrical wiring isn’t built to support 10 kilowatts of power my GPU miners required. Hec! I’m paying $1000 of electricity a month. When I told people this, they wouldn’t believe me or look at me strangely, skeptical kind of look or confused.

I did a lot of research online google search, and watching a lot of youtube howto videos on adding circuit breaker and adding subpanel. In the end I’ve decided to add 6 15amp circuit breaker instead of a subpanel, because subpanel cost more result mainly of buying that 70AMP to 100AMP main breaker for the subpanel.

What I did were.

  1. Buy all the materials. Includes: 25 feet 2-2-4 or 15AMP electrical wire, 6 15amp circuit breaker, outlet boxes and plug the whole kit, some screws.
  2. Install the plug first and wire.
  3. Shut down the main power breaker on the Electrical panel.
  4. Open the panel cover
  5. Wire the ground wire
  6. Wire the white wire
  7. Wire the black or hot wire into the breaker
  8. Install the breaker, ensure the breaker is in OFF position
  9. Secure all the wires, ensure it doesn’t move easily or loose in the panels.
  10. Reinstall the panel cover.
  11. Turn on the Main switch breaker
  12. Switch on the new breakers installed
  13. Test the plug ensure it power

That is all to it, now I can plug my mining rigs into these new outlet with a 10-15amp extension cord, it’s safe and centralized. Versus what I have existing is very dangerous of fire hazardous because I can feel the circuit plug very hot! sometime it tripped and it’s 15amp.

So far so good. If your electrical panel have existing slots, it’s better to add more circuit breaker than a subpanel. Work well for my purpose!


Bitcoin BTC is currently at $582+ a BTC what is going on?

I’ve been monitoring the price of Bitcoin over the past weeks, I checked it like every 30 minutes or so. Boy! lately over the past 3 days, it has been soaring up, not to exaggerate saying it’s skyrocketing perhaps.

Over the past few months. The difficulty level of mining Bitcoin has risen dramatically. Anyone whom owned the BFL or similar SHA256 hashing equipment particularly to hash mine bitcoin had felt that they’re loosing money on mining due to electricity cost, and on top of that didn’t even get their money back, so call ROI (return of investment) back from the cost of buying the equipment. However with the price of bitcoin risen and continue to climb, this might be a game changer for Bitcoin mining people, they’ve been waiting for this wave to pick up again. Lately indeed it has, let hope it will last.

So why does bitcoin goes up a gain? I have asked this question, google search it, reddit it, and off course irc chat room. Surely no one can answer, and that’s the truth, no one can predict the price of Bitcoin the next day, next week, next month, next year or years for that matter. Good news spike Bitcoin value? No not really, a few days ago, Bitcoin price risen and if we check google news on Bitcoin keyword, there were all bad news such as Bitcoin Exchange are being suspended and so on, but it doesn’t impact bitcoin price, it rise and continue to rise. For how long? nobody know. Hec! if anyone can predict accurately, they would have been a millionaire by now and indeed there are millionaire out there. Off course when people buy Bitcoin, the price rise, when people sell Bitcoin the price dropped. So who bought them? no one know exactly.

So the game is to mine, or buy Bitcoin and let it sit for a few years. Or maybe sell it when profit hit target. Then maybe buy again when it goes down, if it goes down that is.

How to cool your GPU mining rigs FREE

OK I just thought of an idea and I think it will work. However I have not tried it yet. The idea is to cool your GPU while it’s mining Bitcoin Cryptocoin whatever. Basically cool your computer or even serve as an Air Conditioning. Best of all it’s free. So I did a search and found a video that would show you how to make the device. Basically required a block of ice and I think it will last at least half a day or so and you can always make free ice, just use a small bucket whatever fill it with ice, maybe use a couple, and then repeat the process as the ice melted. The idea is to push the cool air into the computer or GPU constantly. The fan will be powered by solar power with grid tie converter as optional, if you want to power it it 24 hours a day even with no sun light for solar power, another option you can use fan the get power from the wall. The free method not using a drop of electricity would be from solar power. Depend on how many GPU you have or any Bitcoin mining equipment you have, any mining hardware, whether it’s FastHash, BFL, Gridseed whatever, it can cool easily with pvc pipe or flexible tubing. I think it’s more efficient and cost effective than water cool. The only disadvantage is you would need to replace the ice box every half day or so.

Cryptocoins mining isn’t profitable anymore unless free electricity

Now a day even with actual mining equipment or hardware specifically designed to mine cryptocoins at a high hash rate, still not profitable due to the ROI (return of investments). If you spent $10K average price to get a 100mh/s at this time, it will take you 6 months or more depend on the hash rate speed of other devices and people are buying and added more hash rate to the network, not taking bitcoin prices into consideration, whether it will go up or down, or got shut down by the government permanently.

However if we’re mining cryptocoins and saving them, meaning we can trade between the coins, alt coins, to Bitcoin whatever, then keep it safe. Safe in this case an offline wallet where hackers will not see to hack. Then mining and saving the coins are fine. Just wait for one day, it will soar again like an eagle, not really like a rocket again, it will not sky rocket, but maybe it will soar like an eagle. Then we can dispose the Bitcoin to USD. This to say if we can afford to pay for electric bill, which isn’t cheap in most places. Some people lucky enough to sneak their equipment into their employers office and mine using their company power, to me, that’s stealing, and consequently will not look good. Others even tried to take advantage of moving into an apartment where free electricity was given and took advantage of that, this include college dorm room and so on where ever free electricity exist, but all these to me consider as stealing which I don’t do.

For me, I’m paying thousand dollars a month on electric bill, sometime I make thousand worth of bitcoin, sometime I don’t. Luckily I have enough Bitcoin sold for cash USD to sustain my home mining operation to pay for electric bill for the next 6 months or more, then I must start selling my Bitcoin to pay for electric bill. Hope by then Bitcoin goes up again, if not then I will loose time and effort and off course Bitcoin, for nothing. Well maybe something, at least I learned and had something to do, instead of going out causing trouble. A person should not be a burden to society, should not lied, be truthful although it might be ugly or embarrassing, but that’s my principle.

On the bright side, let say what I’m paying for electricity today and also pre-order of mining equipment currently is a loss, I don’t pocket a penny at this time and maybe for the next few months, but let say next year or few years from today, what ever Bitcoin I have and I didn’t sold them, and the Bitcoin price at $10K and I have 20Bitcoin, tha’ts $200K cash. Well not really cash, because these cryptocoin are consider taxable entities, like your asset. Maybe by the time Bitcoin reached $10k, the government worldwide already got the tax figured out and maybe also use Bitcoin as world currency then there will be no hiding from tax. Probably not anonymous either, who knows, since there are traces in blockchain of the Bitcoin address transactions movements.

Cryptocoins miners do you really trust miners manufacturer?

Question I have is, Cryptocoins miners do you really trust miners manufacturer not using your pre-order equipment to mine coins for themselves before shipping it to you? Do you really believe that the ASIC Bitcoin or scrypt coin mining equipment hardware manufacturer really shipping you your pre-order immediately after they assembled it? I’m sure this question has been asked before and there might already many answers and probably already a transparency way that we will know if the manufacturer using the equipment just assembled to mine as many coin as possible before shipping it to you. Or is it just trust?

Well, let take BFL (Butterfly lab) for example. Delay after delays and more delay. Never on time, and I mean never ever on time. Well at least BFL stated that preorder estimate is not accurate and will change. So how do we know they’re telling the truth? how do we know that they really working on it, and not just saying, how do we know that they’re using our equipment to mine cryptocoin not shipping it to us until they sees all the coins already mined and it will worthless for the customer to mine, then they start shipping it. Sure some people may say they can calculate the network hash rate, ok whatever. This goes for other Bitcoin miners and Scrypt miners like KNC, Fasthash, Cointerra, AMT and so on.

The answer is, we don’t know. At least from my perspective, people would just have to trust the manufacturer whom already pocket the pre-order money 6 months in advance, that large amount of money probably went into some kind of investments, who knows, instead of R&D (research and development) for the current and future hardware. who knows. Well at least this is safer than HYIP or online scam investments that people fail to realize it’s a scam and kept on giving free money. Especially that surprisingly still scamming second bath wave of members, already revealed their scam and pocket $500,000 that’s half million, and nothing anyone can do about it, in fact new scam already started by the same owner and it’s

How to lower your electric bill without sacrificing?

Well this may only work in the USA for most if not all power companies. For this example I will take PECO as example, but should be the same concept throughout the United States of America power company.

I know a lot of people knows about turning off lights when you don’t need, turn of that computer monitor screen or make it go to sleep or hibernate when not in use, buy Energy Appliance and so on. Well, so hectic isn’t it? but it work and save you some money over long run, yeah it work and doable, not sure how feasible, and probably a habit just need to switch it.

Then the Solar Power and Wind Turbine, so call natural power. Well some solar and wind turbine in the USA offered financing since it cost so much at least $25K for an average system that can power the whole house. Then some tax credit write off, and off course local state government voucher for buying solar and wind turbine installation cost that is, not the materials products itself. This also work, but not so much popular, and not sure how much money can be save, maybe in 15 years or so. However with careful calculation, if you’re paying $500 a month on electric bill, and maybe with this solar or wind turbine system you will be paying $400 a month, I think it’s worth it. Some system is smart, like the Grid-Tie system which is cheaper simply plug in and reverse the power meter, but you’re still paying for electricity to the electric company but cheaper since you produce power sell it back to power company through grid-tie inverter. So this might work.

Then the so call SCAM fraud method of third party power generation. For example from time to time you would receive a flyer in regard to your local power company will raise its price on electricity and you will be paying higher. Therefore this third party or I call it middle man comes in and offer you cheaper deal for example from FirstEnergy, cheap 7 cent vs. 8 cent from PECO. Well guess what? that’s not really the price, and you’re stuck with a contract and if you cancel the contract you will get penalized for $100 + . So do your homework before jumping to this middle man power company from no where. In my case, I got 7.23 cent kilowatts from FirstEnergy, but PECO charged me for generation of 10 cent, so the total comes out to be 17.23 cent. Now if I were to stick with PECO, I would be paying average of 15 cent or less instead of this 17.23 cent today and I’m stuck with the contract. So again, please do your homework before jumping to this middle man service power company saying they charge cheaper but really misleading information.

Finally last but not least, and I think it’s the best. Most power companies in the US today have special program such as Summer discount for installing a remote control device on the AC unit outside your house being controlled by the Power company on when to turn on and off during those hot summer months where a lot of power being use to power AC unit throughout the country. With this device installed, you will get discount or credit back to your bill I believe $20 to $60 maybe, it does help. Now the other options and many others similar to it, is the Time Energy plan. This plan basically charge you 6.5 cent for example from PECO for off peak time, then from 2pm to 6pm, they will charge you 16.5 cent as you can see 10 cent more more than double the price kilowatts per hour, that’s crazy, but if you know this in advance then maybe between 2pm to 6pm, avoid using any high energy appliance. Then from 6:01pm to 1:59pm max your equipment power usage such as Bitcoin Cryptocoin mining which uses a lot of power. Yep I think this will save you money, taking PECO example 6.5 cent is a good deal, but only for M-F. and also no hidden charge like the SCAM middle man third party electric bill like FirstEnergy mislead information on the price given not included the generation charge from electric company which is flexible and PECO could raise so high that what you’re switching to isn’t helping lower the price in fact some time a lot higher, what a scam huh?!

Crypto coins alternative darkcoin?

I’ve been involved with Bitcoin and scrypt coins for a while now, and at least heard about Darkcoin at least once. Not until lately I saw a headline news indicated that Darkcoin been making wave! Basically Bitcoin and Scrypt coins like Dogecoin and LTC been either going down or stabled, while the Darkcoin surpassed other crypto coins popularity.

Darkcoin on the rise, yes. However mining Darkcoin today yield no bigger profit that straight Bitcoin and Scrypt cryptocoins, although Darkcoin on the rise. I noticed that Darkcoin hash is a lot higher than other coins algo. Let say you mine 100kh/s on scrypt, you will be mining 40kh/s on scrypt-n, and 100mh/s on SHA, but with Darkcoin, your hash rate will be at least 3 times of scrypt. So it will be 400kh/s on Darkcoin. Basically different algo.

Darkcoin indicated that it’s totally anonymous, no blockchain tracking its activities, not sure how true that is or how that would work without the blockchain visibility

With Bitcoin not profitable to mine even with the strongest most expensive equipment, the level had reached its peak. So manufacturer had been making ASIC scrypt to mine Scrypt algo which already been shipping, however once KNC Miner Scrypt shipped, the difficulty level in scrypt will sky rocket which the price of those will probably remain the same. But! guess what? scrypt-n a new algo on scrypt will make it next to impossible for ASIC miners to mine, so only feasible with GPU. So that’s good news for GPU.


grid-tie inverter does it work? is it worth it?

Just a quick overview of what I’ve learned about “grid tie inverter” Basically it’s a device that allow you sell sell back electricity you produced to your power company simply by plug-in the power to the power outlet from the grid tie inverter. Remember only grid tie inverter can do this, not just any ordinary inverter.

So the question. Does it work? Based on my research, via google search and youtube video. It appears to work, or I can also say safe to say, it does work. Wind Turbine, Solar Power, any power source that can hook up to the grid tie inverter terminal that produce electricity will work. The service electrical panel meter from your municipal power or power company will reverse, that’s right! the power meter will go backward. So let say you can source power from solar panel 200watts, that’s 200watts, and if consistently generated, it will push your meter backward 200 watts, not a lot, but it work, and if you have a lot of power sources to the inverter, you will see the meter go backward thus reducing your electric bill.

Second question, Is it worth it? to me NO! because the inverter cost money, the power sources from solar power, wind turbine, whatever cost additional money to get it, and off course the installation accessories as well. So today, it might not be cost effective, but maybe in the future the solar panels or wind turbine cost will get lowered or the power company increased electric bill per kilowatts then it’s worth it to buy the inverter and related equipment.

grid tie power inverter power itself and extras lwer your electric bill

grid tie power inverter power itself and extras lwer your electric bill

One more thing I would like to mention also is, some people even tried or say that they can use original power to make more power and put the additional power back to the source and have extra for usage. Let me put it this way. You have a motor generator that can generate 100 watts of power. The other motor need 90 watts of power to spin, so you think you can trigger it and it start and turned the the other motor generator which produces 100 watts, so you wired that 100 watts to the 90watts motor and expect it to continue to work and you have 10 watts for other use right? WRONG! no such thing as free lunch, don’t believe this concept. It does not work. At least not as efficient as you may expect. Lots of liars! you can check it out here